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On our way to Oregon we stopped at Sequoia National Park. It was awesome! We should all go together as a family sometime. There are campgrounds there and every inch of that place is gorgeous. Natalie had fun picking up every stick and rock she came across. Luke and I mostly stayed in the car but we got out sometimes. It's just hard to get in and out of the car seat so much.

N: " Mommy my arm is all floppy. I need to eat it"

We went on a few adventures this weekend. It was so fun! Something about doing something with your kids makes you see the world differently.

Here's the sunset from last night and something even better. I'm so grateful he is feeling better and growing so big.

Luke rolled over 360 degrees for the first time last night, right before this picture was taken.

She loves him so much, yet she is the biggest threat to his life. It's hard to explain the difference between hugging and smothering/crushing to a little girl in love with her baby brother.

Natalie has been falling asleep with her night light. She sleeps through most of the crying at night. The only thing that bugs her is if daddy try to fix her blankets in the middle of the night.
We wake up to her making shadow puppets on the ceiling.

Luke Casler Wiley
Born: 1/9/21 at 10:38pm
Weight: 7lbs 13oz
Height: 20 1/2in

She has asked to go in the hot tub everyday. Shes a fish. Already knows how to swim a little.

Natalie flew around the house yesterday with me. I was really worried she would break something but nothing detrimental happened.
She likes Room on the Broom a lot.

He didn't catch her in time. She sure takes our breath away 😍

Its 11:40PM. I shouldn't have let her go to bed with the I Spy book. I keep hearing her yell "Got you!" Ha ha

Natalie casually counts to 12....Christopher and I have no idea how she learned that.

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