Natalie and Luke stay up late playing and sometimes they cuddle. It's adorable, obviously.

First night with all three kids in the same room. So bittersweet. I love them so much!

Gabe is climbing stairs now. Let the baby-proofing intensify!

Gabe just took his first steps!! He walked to Christopher!

I sat with Gabe while everyone was playing putt-putt golf. He was struggling to calm down until he suddenly fell asleep in this position. Then I was nap trapped. But it was so cute. Poor guy was tired.

We randomly went to a new park in Bend that the kids could ride their bike and scooter down a path that goes right next to a bunch of waterfalls and cool rapids. We stopped at some tide pools to cool off. Luke ate rocks, or tried to. Natalie splashed and raced leaves in the water. Gabe and I just cooled down with our tosies in the cold water. It was a 90F+ day.
Then we raced to a big field, and they fetched sticks and pinecone until it was time to go.
Great day and great memory.

Went out and had a spontaneous and fun day at Billy Chinook with Grandpa, Aunty Sophie, and her friend Alec. Gabe handled being on the boat sooooo well. Luke wouldn't stay seated. He was too excited. They had an absolute blast.

Luke and Natalie got to walk in Bend's annual 4th of July Pet Parade. Their Aunty Sophie held a chicken, and we walked with her friends' horses, Cash and Lu.

Gabriel is 1 month old today!
He coos and says "aigoo". He smiles and giggles in his sleep. He is a pro at tummy time and can lift himself and his head. He's in size 2 diapers and about to switch to 3-6mo clothes. He's starting to sleep betterish and cry lessish.
I love him so so much!

Today Natalie, Gabe, and I took Sophie prom dress shopping.
We didn't have much time and I was worried about getting overwhelmed easily so I gave Natalie my phone and told her to take pictures of things she'd like for her birthday or in general. It kept her entertained the entire time.
Total win.
Going through the photos she took made me smile. It was sweet to see things through her eyes. She even took pictures of things she thought Luke would like.
What a great day. I love that girl.

I promise Luke wanted to be in the basket. He kept putting it back over himself each time I took it off

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