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Natalie: Look out from below!
She means "Look out below"
I just wanna remember this

Gabe has been crawling for about a week now. I forgot how necessary child-proofing is.

Gabey Goose pushed himself up to a sitting position for the first time tonight!

N: Luke please be quiet. My ears are expensive sometimes.
L: what?!
N: My ears are expensive sometimes.
L: what?!
N: My ears are expensive sometimes.
L: whaaat?!!
N: mommy please explain this to Lukey
Me: her ears are expensive sometimes
L: what?!

I sat with Gabe while everyone was playing putt-putt golf. He was struggling to calm down until he suddenly fell asleep in this position. Then I was nap trapped. But it was so cute. Poor guy was tired.

We tell the kids to listen to their tummies to decide when they're full. Natalie, the other day, was eating bacon and said,
N: My tummy keeps saying (high pitch voice) Please stop! No more! (Deep voice)
And I say never!

Gabe has had his bottom 2 teeth for about 2 weeks now. It already looks like his top teeth are starting to come in.

N:Luke you better get me a snack right now or I'll burp

I carried Gabe and Luke down the stairs this morning and put down Luke at the bottom as usual then stepped into the living room and tried to set Gabe down on his feet like he could walk. I totally forgot he can't.

Natalie: Momma! Luke's salting me!
Me: He's assaulting you?!
N: yeah
Me: how'd you learn that word?

* I peek around the corner at her and see Luke with the salt grinder grinding salt on the back of her head.

Me: oh.

Natalie when praying: "and please don't say maybe and just do it"

"Cat roon"
Luke trying to call mom's red panda a racoon.

Natalie affectionately called the cat a "little brass turd"

We randomly went to a new park in Bend that the kids could ride their bike and scooter down a path that goes right next to a bunch of waterfalls and cool rapids. We stopped at some tide pools to cool off. Luke ate rocks, or tried to. Natalie splashed and raced leaves in the water. Gabe and I just cooled down with our tosies in the cold water. It was a 90F+ day.
Then we raced to a big field, and they fetched sticks and pinecone until it was time to go.
Great day and great memory.

Went out and had a spontaneous and fun day at Billy Chinook with Grandpa, Aunty Sophie, and her friend Alec. Gabe handled being on the boat sooooo well. Luke wouldn't stay seated. He was too excited. They had an absolute blast.

Gabriel woke up from his nap and nursed.
While he was nursing he tooted and it turned into a poop.
Natalie was talking to him...
N: ooh a little toot.
Oh! That was a weird toot Gabe!

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