Natalie and Luke stay up late playing and sometimes they cuddle. It's adorable, obviously.

First night with all three kids in the same room. So bittersweet. I love them so much!

Gabe waved and said "hi" and "hi dada" today for the first time.

Natalie just called a cucumber a "cum-cuber". We were watching videos of cats and cucumbers.

Luke pooped on the potty all by himself!
Then tried to flush the ENTIRE roll of toilet paper.
The push I needed to clean the bathroom.

Luke is going through a phase where he only wants Mommy.
Christopher took a bite of bacon at breakfast and says "YUMMM"
Luke growls "I don't want him to say THAT".

Natalie was farting in preschool today and every time she did. Shed yell "Luke!" and Luke, would yell back, from across the room, "what?" But it was obviously her farting and the teacher told me about it and she was laughing so hard.

Christopher told me he taught her that trick.

Luke just built a huge, beautiful tent/fort in the living room.
Gabe comes up and knocks a blanket off one of the sides.
Luke screams long and hard. His face is red. He's bent over.
My ears are ringing and buzzing.
I say, "That hurt my ears, Luke."
Luke yells, "It hurt MY ears!"

Everyone laughs.

Gabe is climbing stairs now. Let the baby-proofing intensify!

At the library bathroom Natalie yells(she knows no normal volume): "I have to go poop and it's like sliding out"
"I had to go so bad. I felt like it was garbage and then I sneezed. It felt badder than when you touch your eyeball."

Natalie, “I don’t like my cookie grandma. Next time, can you try and make better ones?”

Gabe just took his first steps!! He walked to Christopher!

Mommy when I look at your eyes it makes me scared because the cracks in your eyes. - Natalie

She's talking about wrinkles. Yay...

We're playing with magnatiles and I pretend a magic butterfly makes me fall asleep. I was just trying to get away with a little nap. Anyway, the kids try to save me from my curse. Natalie resorts to mouth to mouth and blows on my face all her spit and boogers land on my face. Obviously I wake up. She goes "it works! Just like on tv!"

Natalie was trying to put the planet magnets in order on the fridge. When she got to Venus she says "...and penis right there..."

Gabe had his top left tooth poke through last night!

Luke says "mine" instead of "my"
Just now he said "I want mine tea"
I have a feeling he's gonna take to speaking German pretty easily.

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