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I promise Luke wanted to be in the basket. He kept putting it back over himself each time I took it off

Miss Rachel: "This dinosaur has a long name. It's a Pachycephalosaurus. Can you say Pachycephalosaurus?"
Me: "Pachycephalosaurus"
Natalie: "Packy-sexy-saurus! I did it!"
Me: "You sure did!"

Natalie: "Momma can you smell that?"
Me: "No"
Natalie: "It smells like all of daddy's farts from his whole life."
Me: "Huh?"
Natalie: "You don't smells that? It's really horrible"

I still don't know what she was talking about.

Were talking about what we're grateful for.
Natalie: "Momma I'm grateful about me pooping all the time"

Ever since we watched The Grinch the other day Luke has been maniacally laughing before he does something mischievous, which is often and daily.

Natalie "don't knock my food over or I'll get upset and put you to bed"

First time braiding Natalie's hair. It was long enough to do piggytail braids. They're definitely not perfect but they are braids. She's getting so big.
I practiced on that dollhead before trying it out on her.

We got to go to Disneyland for free yesterday. 10/10 totally recommend. If you guys come visit sometime I'll get you in too.
It's so magical. We're not huge Disney fans, but that place is fantastical. I loved how much the kids enjoyed everything. Seeing it through their eyes made it so much more fun.

We went to the museum of natural History this weekend. It was free. Natalie had a blast and took so many photos with her "phone".

Luke got his HiB shot today and didn't cry. The nurse says "it must be those chunky thighs working in his favor." I'm like "Well he got'em from his daddy and they sure worked in his favor...." 😶 She said "ok then. Have a good day" I didn't even get a chance to recoil from my own word vomit before she left.

I was wearing Luke in a baby carrier at the park yesterday. This little boy named Michael comes up to us and says" when I was a baby my mom wore one of those to carry me around but it was bigger. My mom tried working out for 1000 years and she couldn't get any smaller so now she's just big. "
I didn't know what to say.
He was so sweet with Luke.

Fun day yesterday. We went to Costco, then the park, then Luke's doctor's appointment, then to lunch, then we played played played! Phew! Natalie had some fun!

I'm glad we don't have to pay for water consumption. This is such a good memory. These guys love each other. 💕

*Natalie shows daddy a little picture of Jesus she got from the Sister Missionaries
C:"Is that Jesus?"
N:"Yeah, he huffs and puffs and blows the house down"
Me:" I didn't teach her that!"

Natalie "mommy my heart is big and my tummy is little"
Me: "yeah"
Natalie:"yeah, and when I eat snow it's too cold"
Me:" we're just spitting truths this morning huh?"

@Tgaillard me too! I want to go again when Luke is bigger so we can enjoy it more.

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