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Luke and Natalie got to walk in Bend's annual 4th of July Pet Parade. Their Aunty Sophie held a chicken, and we walked with her friends' horses, Cash and Lu.

Luke calls peanutbutter "bacon father". It's probably because we just yelled "happy fathers day" when we brought Christopher breakfast-in-bed and it confused him.

He said no, but momma could have it. But I couldn't give it to Natalie. After a lot of attempted manipulation He just stuffed the asparagus in his mouth, then pulled it out, licked it, then set it next to his plate. Natalie lost her appetite

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We had chicken pot pie with asparagus and cottage cheese for dinner. Natalie gobbled up her asparagus because it's her favorite. She asked for more but there wasn't any more, except for what was on Luke's plate. He doesn't like asparagus. Natalie asked for it he said no. I asked if Natalie could have it. .

L: Boobies!
Me: huh?
Me: Boobies?
Me: oh, movies? You wanna watch a movie?
L: Yes

I have to put it on record that Last week, before I left, Luke finally started saying "I love you". It's the best.

N: "when my eyes see something scary they poop"
"And my feet get stinky because my toes poop. And my toes have little noses, so they have to smell the stinky poop"
"And the kitty watches me when I poop."

I was telling Natalie about an abominable snowman named Yeti. She said she is allergic to the name Yeti.

Gabriel is 1 month old today!
He coos and says "aigoo". He smiles and giggles in his sleep. He is a pro at tummy time and can lift himself and his head. He's in size 2 diapers and about to switch to 3-6mo clothes. He's starting to sleep betterish and cry lessish.
I love him so so much!

Other names Natalie has used for Rugrats:

Luke kept pouring out his apple juice so I put it in a sippy cup and he got mad that I wouldn't put it in a cup, so he sucked it out of the sippy cup and spit it into his open cup. Then he poured it out onto the floor.

Today Natalie, Gabe, and I took Sophie prom dress shopping.
We didn't have much time and I was worried about getting overwhelmed easily so I gave Natalie my phone and told her to take pictures of things she'd like for her birthday or in general. It kept her entertained the entire time.
Total win.
Going through the photos she took made me smile. It was sweet to see things through her eyes. She even took pictures of things she thought Luke would like.
What a great day. I love that girl.

Me: I need to take a shower.
Natalie: Yeah, earlier you smelled fine. Now you smell horrible.
Me: 😐

Christopher: Natalie, please don't throw your food on the ground.
Me: Yeah, baby, Daddy just wiped up the floor.
Natalie: It wasn't me. It was Jesus!
Me: Well, I can't be mad at Jesus.

Natalie: Where'd you get this from?
Me: It's a necklace I got from Grandma Wiley
Natalie: No! What is it?
Me: I don't know. Maybe it's a rock or a seashell.
Natalie: Let me smell it.*SNIFFS* NOPE. It's a necklace.

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